Drury, or previously called Dreary Drury that was once a sign on Auckland's Southern Motorway, is undergoing a transformation as...
Kiwis are experiencing a shift in sentiment regarding the housing market, according...
Independent global economic researcher Capital Economics (CE) has projected that house prices...
Bank of New Zealand is pursuing a $80 million bankruptcy bid against...
Inland Revenue data indicates that in the 2023 tax year, there were 53,350 taxpayers who reported negative rental income. This...
The new Dunedin Hospital faces a potential cost escalation to $3 billion, requiring either a reduction in its scope or...
ANZ has lowered most of its fixed mortgage rates, particularly affecting those with less than 20% equity. The majority of...
Recent data from Tenancy Services reveals a slight softening in New Zealand's residential rental market during July, with the national...