French authorities have charged Telegram CEO Pavel Durov with facilitating illegal activities on the messaging app. Durov, who holds Russian, French, and UAE citizenship, was arrested on Saturday in Paris as part of an investigation into organised crime, drug trafficking, fraud, and the sharing of child pornography on Telegram.
Prosecutors allege that Durov failed to adequately address the exploitation of Telegram for unlawful purposes. He has been indicted on multiple charges, including complicity in managing an online platform that enables illegal transactions, failure to provide information to authorities, and allowing the spread of child sexual abuse material.
Durov has been released from police custody on a €5 million bail but is prohibited from leaving France. He is required to check in at a police station twice a week and is subject to judicial oversight.
In a statement, Telegram asserted that it complies with European Union regulations and that its moderation practices are “within industry standards and constantly improving.”
The Kremlin has expressed hope that Durov “has all the necessary opportunities for his legal defence” and noted that Moscow is “ready to provide all necessary assistance and support” to him as a Russian citizen. However, the situation is complicated by Durov’s French citizenship.
Furthermore, the UAE Foreign Ministry announced that it is “closely following the case” and has requested France to ensure Durov receives “all the necessary consular services in an urgent manner.”
In response to criticisms from Russia and X owner Elon Musk accusing France of suppressing free speech through Durov’s arrest, French President Emmanuel Macron addressed the matter on X, referring to it as “false information.”
Macron clarified that Durov’s arrest was not politically motivated but part of an independent investigation. He emphasised that France “is deeply committed” to freedom of expression, but added that “freedoms are upheld within a legal framework, both on social media and in real life, to protect citizens and respect their fundamental rights”.