Elevate Magazine
August 20, 2024

New Zealand Lags Behind in Workplace Health and Safety

new zealand lags behind in workplace health and safety
Business woman gives safety presentation at office. Multi-ethnic group of professionals.

New Zealand is lagging behind other countries in terms of workplace health and safety, a new report shows. The Business Leaders’ Health and Safety Forum’s report reveals that NZ has a workplace fatality rate that is 60% higher than Australia’s and 500% higher than the UK’s, despite having similar legislative frameworks. 

The report also shows that workplace incidents affect nearly 50% of Kiwis, with poor workplace safety costing the country $4.9 billion last year. New Zealand’s performance in workplace safety prompts calls for urgent reforms and increased investment in safety oversight.

“What’s needed is effective investment in WorkSafe so it can undertake its important role in investigation and investment in injury prevention,” Labour’s workplace relations and safety spokesperson Camilla Belich stated. 

“We know the Minister is consulting on health and safety regulations, but it is unacceptable shortsightedness by the Minister to dial back the capacity of WorkSafe in the meantime.

“WorkSafe will need further investment, not cuts, to bring us in line with the UK,” she added. The report suggests that the country could save up to $3.4 billion a year if it matched the UK’s success in preventing workplace injuries. 

“It also highlighted how workers’ voices in unions have a greater role in the UK, where there are also much lower rates of injury. I am glad this has been identified, and I look forward to further research in this area as indicated in the report.” Belich said.

“The Minister needs to put aside her ideological opposition to regulation and ensure experts, workers’ voices, and unions are included in any consultation to improve the safety of New Zealanders.”