Elevate Magazine
October 9, 2024

Creating a bit of a Hoop-la: The Story Behind Bernadette Smith’s Innovative Fitness Company, In2Hula

ray white hooping (1)

With the rise of niche fitness markets around the world, there isn’t much out there you can’t try.  From dance fitness to roller skating classes, it would seem that such a profitable market, already so diverse in nature, is impenetrable to new players.

However, one company is successfully spinning its way around New Zealand – challenging the low-key reputation of hobby businesses and monetising a fitness fad using a simple childhood toy.

In2Hula has taken the humble hula hoop and turned it into a profitable nationwide business. Bernadette Smith has successfully reignited the conventional hula hoop and her company makes, sells and runs hula hooping classes, providing thousands of Kiwis with the means to attain full-body fitness in an entertaining way.   

How the Hoop-la Started

Launching a successful business while working full-time hasn’t been something Bernadette pulled off by chance. The idea for In2Hula stemmed from her daughter’s quest to lose her mummy tummy after giving birth to two children. After researching hula hooping online and finding it a fast growing fitness and dance trend around the world, she decided to bring the hula hoop back to life in New Zealand.

So with In2Hula Bernadette produces and sells hoops online. And, since finding only children’s hoops readily available for sale, she utilised locally made, bespoke piping and with the help of her husband Grant, started making adult sized weighted hoops suitable for use as a serious fitness tool. 

Within a short space of time, In2Hula had an internationally trained hoop instructor and now currently holds weekly classes in Christchurch. The demand is so great that new instructors are being sought.

When Bernadette launched In2Hula, she never dreamed it could become such a big success. “In2Hula never started as a big picture idea, I simply wanted to bring back the youthfulness of the hula hoop to people in a format that could help them reach their fitness goals.”

The company’s success continues to soar annually at an astonishing rate – so much so, it has been surprising her accountant and continually surpassing Bernadette’s own expectations.

The first step towards making a name for In2Hula was to set the New Zealand record for the most people simultaneously hula hooping. After reaching this record in 2009, In2Hula was being noticed nationally and the orders for hoops were quickly rising.

“But we needed more than a one-off event to get hooping recognised as a serious fitness activity that would provide a decent income. I aligned myself with professionals such as a PR agency and a hoop instructor in Australia, I created a website, and I researched and continue to be inspired by international trends in hooping.”

The Success Continues Spinning Upwards

In2Hula’s success has been achieved through a combination of the right attitude, business practices and timing. Bernadette works on the premise that customer service is key. “I always want to follow through quickly with every client and be there to help. Extra lessons needed? I’m only a phone call away to discuss techniques and offer advice.

“It’s important with a hobby business that the focus isn’t on the money, but on the passion for what you do. It ensures you genuinely want to help and gives everyone the best service possible, which in turn rewards you financially.”

In2Hula’s personalised service is backed by a husband and wife team, working hard to under promise and over deliver, with processes and procedures in place to keep everything on track.

“Over time I’ve utilised the tools and networks around me to grow, so we can deliver a great service and unique product to people locally and nationwide.

Timing was also key to In2Hula’s growth. “When I see an opportunity, I take it. There are always risks but for us they have paid off.”

Balancing a career as a sales manager as well as her hobby come business requires exceptional time management, focus and a determination to succeed.

Bernadette’s philosophy in life and business is one of giving. From the very beginning, In2Hula has supported actively fundraised and donated thousands of dollars to charitable organisations – mostly focused on improving the life of children.

“Not only does this reward us through the sheer good of giving, but it supports In2Hula as a business, because consumers associate us with the good things we do.”

Bernadette’s Top Hobby-Business Success Tips

Market yourself continually

Don’t be frightened about spending money on marketing. It took us five years to get dividends, but it showed us you have to spend it to make it.

Have a living plan

If we didn’t have a plan for our businesses, we wouldn’t have succeeded. I learnt over time to be so organised that it never became overwhelming balancing multiple jobs, businesses and life. I update our business plan annually and look at it regularly.

Reach out

Gather a good network of people around you, this is vital to your businesses’ growth – and it’s not just about taking, but giving back.

Fight for your passion

If there is something you are passionate about, don’t be frightened to give it a go. You only have one chance, and yes, you could fail, but at least you’ll have given it your best shot.